Friday 12 March 2021

Royal Flush

Royal Flush

I went first, feet tapping the ground as I raced towards Mrs Tennant and landed behind a couple of people. The first few infront had gotten none of the cards I needed and I didnt expect much either. The sun glared sun  glared down at me and th ewind had disappeared completely which didn’t help that we barely had any shade to hide under, while the cicadas chirped like a blaring alarm.

Finally, came my turn. What would I get? A diamond? A heart? Or am I going to be lucky enough to get the club, the exact one we need? The teacher lifted the card and I stared blankly at it for a few seconds before realization suddenly slapped my across the face. I didn’t get a club. No, it was something even better then a club; a Joker! I snatched it off and raced back to my team. Were already in the lead. Good.


  1. hi kate
    i like your story and the words you used to describe your work
    maybe next time try fix it so it doesnt go off the page because then its hard to read

  2. hello kate!
    good story! i enjoyed reading it, it was hard to read though it would be nice if you fixed it so it wont go off the page.

  3. Hey Kate.
    Love the story. its amazing!
    maybe next time do CTRL+SHIFT+V then it wont go along and will format properly.
    all in all good story!



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