The cat went into the void of endless sadness. He didn’t want to but the dog said “ there will be endless amounts of fish and catnip”. And he was sold. He leaped into the abyss and was never seen again. The dog chuckled and walked away. “ now mum and dad will love me more”, he thought as he went back inside his doggy door. But boom suddenly the cat came flying out of a magic portal with a magic carpet, a mansion, a limo, and a girlfriend (which the dog would never get). The dog was outraged and sad (he’d never get a girlfriend. Never have never will) “Boohoohoo” the dog screamed as he looked upon all the little kittens and the mansion and the limo with lots of little car seats for all the little kittens. The dog had never had a girlfriend let alone puppies. This all happened because of a disastrous rainy day in 1869…
It was a cloudy and wet day. Very bad weather if you ask me. Two humans were walking along the pavement, dodging puddles and other humans. But these humans were special. They came from 2021. Yes, they were time travelers here to destroy the world with COVID-19 because they hated their great grandmother-in-law on their uncle’s girlfriend’s aunt’s side. The woman pulled out a vial of the deadly disease and dumped it into a giant river. A little pup was thirsty and went to the river bed to inhale liquid. But of course, there was a virus in the river and suddenly the said pup became immortal, could talk to cats, and was able to open pocket dimensions. But on the downside, he was so ugly that only the time travelers ever adopted him (spiderman style).
The terrible end
Hi Kate, I like your story with Leo it's got alot of detail.